
Rocky Road 'Christmas Pudding' Cupcakes

Hullo, my Pixels!

I've been very naughty again and haven't posted in about two weeks or so. Finishing college before the Christmas holidays just took up too much of my time and I had a bit of a brain burnout. Luckily, I received an email from a wine company, Yapp, about their Christmas time recipe competition - here. I haven't been paid to create this post or anything like that, the prize just seemed like an amazing thing this time of year. Personally, I don't drink wine, but my parents are big fans, so in the spirit of giving around Christmas time, £150 worth of wine for them to spend seemed appropriate.

Covered in Cats

Hullo, my Pixels!

I hope you're all doing well, and I'm definitely not trying to kill you with the following cuteness in this post - I swear. I don't quite get how some people refuse to like cats. They've always been a big part of my life, but I also really like dogs, too, I've just never owned one before. Cats are so much less hassle to look after as well! I just fancied doing a more personal post by featuring my four little kitty cats, especially as we recently got a new one. Prepare yourselves for the 'awwwhs' which you're sure to say after seeing these photos.

White Pearl Lady

Hullo, my Pixels!

I recently ordered quite a lot of nail varnish from Superdrug - naughty. I just wanted the Models Own nail polish in Absinthe, but it turned into another six Barry M polishes, not sure how! I did save £10 though, as they were on offer 3 for 2, but I also had a few points on my Beautycard to use. I'm featuring these two specifically today as I found myself reapplying this more than once in a row, so I know I love it.